I've put up with the annoying serial number entries, and nag boxes to buy MICR ink from them. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being super awesome people! Keep it up, the world needs more like you! These people went the extra mile, and I am very appreciative. Box was fully intact and well packed, looked like I'd just pulled it off of a retail shelf. But these people? I ordered on Friday evening after I did payroll, and these were here on Sunday, in time for me to pay bills on Monday. I figured I'd be waiting at least 3-5 days, because there isn't a next day Amazon anymore. I didn't realize I had used my last check, and when I figured it out, I panicked. I don't want to see the mom and pop stores disappear. I like supporting the people who are like we are.small businesses out there busting it to make a living. I try to buy from the sellers that have the 'Small Business' icon, because if I can't buy local at home, that's my preference. But, this review isn't really about the checks. Thcker paper, just all around nicer checks. Back to the Versa after all these years, and I remember why I love them.
They were much more expensive then, and so I strayed and bought cheaper ones for a while.
When we first started our business many moons and a lot less gray hair ago, they were the first checks I bought.