Type the word you are looking for in the search box and hit enter. You can search for words in English, Cebunao, Hiligaynon, and Tagalog by selecting the desired language in the drop-down box. This dictionary has been queried 22782041 timesĪlso have a look at our page of Boholano Proverbs and Boholano Riddles If you have another dictionary, you want to see added to this site, please tell us, but realize we need to secure permission from the copyright holder to do so, or have to make sure the copyright has expired, which happens (in the Philippines) 50 years after the death of the longest surviving author. Encarnacion's Diccionario Español-Bisaya, published in 1866 (in preparation).Nigg's Tagalog-English dictionary, published in 1905 (in preparation).Wolff's Cebuano-English Dictionary, published in 1972.
We are busy adding more dictionaries to this site: If you need some phrases, try out our Cebuano Phrase Book. If you enter a phrase, it will attempt to find all words in the phrase. It can only look up single words for you. Please note that this dictionary cannot translate sentences or phrases.
Many thanks to Tim Harvey for making available his database for use on this site. Welcome to the Philippine on-line dictionary.